Saturday, January 25, 2025

Reporting the Interchain

NETA Idols NFT project to mint in March

The Neta DAO has been busy, having most recently incorporated in the Marshall Islands, and is now launching a dApp, created by volunteers and stakers, with the first NFT collection to be launched from


Idols bills itself as a high-quality Interchain Avatar project that teams will be able to integrate with their services. The Idols collection will feature 11 different Idols over a total of five seasons and boasts a total supply of 33,000 total NFTs. The project is built on Juno with a newly created Neta DAO decentralized application and will send 30 percent of Season 1 mint proceeds to the Neta Treasury DAO, once the DAO receives their Non-Profit status.

Season one of the collection is slated to start minting March 1, with Neta DAO stakers getting first dibs based off a September 2022 snapshot. Idols will cost Juno tokens to mint and collectors can choose between three options: single, bundle, and elite. Each Idol comes with a voice emote and if you are lucky enough to mint an Elite Shard variant, you will also get a unique melody.

“Idols were created to help onboard the next 100 million citizens onto blockchain in a familiar way, through collecting and connecting,” Idols Founder Josh Lee said. “Idols are just the tip of the spear though as Idols Quests are all about allowing Interchain teams and communities to empower good behaviors and outcomes across Cosmos and beyond. We hope you love them as much as we do.”

Lore for the collection has been written and tells stories about individual Idols and the world they live in. The short stories can be found on the Medium platform.

An extensive activity book was put together by the team and features original Idols artwork and a word search.

Neta Idols Activity Book

An interesting dynamic of the Idols collection is the ability to upgrade and update the NFTs based on wallet activity. A series of on-chain quests are in the works, allowing collectors to perform tasks to enhance their NFTs.

Idols has generated a buzz in crypto circles, as evidenced by user engagement across Twitter, Discord and Reddit. Social interaction has been positive and the mint forecast is strong. Neta DAO members have been working on the project since May 2020.

Idols creators have said Cron.Cat — “The blockchain automation layer, built for scheduled or event driven workflows”– intends to acquire 1,100 Idols.

“It’s probably nothing,” Lee said.


Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is Founder and Publisher of Cosmos News, a trusted source of local news and information for the Cosmos ecosystem. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.






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