Saturday, January 25, 2025

Reporting the Interchain

Bitcoin Security is Coming to Juno

Juno Network, the Interchain Incubator for decentralized interoperable applications, has announced its collaboration with Babylon, a blockchain platform that leverages the security of Bitcoin to enhance the security of Cosmos zones and other Proof-of-Stake chains.

The collaboration aims to bring improved transaction security and lower unbonding periods to Juno.

Babylon’s integration should enhance Juno’s infrastructure and security, benefiting Juno’s community that uses and creates interoperable applications on the network. With Juno’s vision to be the Interchain Incubator for decentralized interoperable applications, Babylon offers Juno Bitcoin-level security that could make it one of the most secure interoperable smart contract networks in existence today.

As Juno strives to become a leader in cross-chain smart contracts, it is focused on solving common smart contract layer one bottlenecks such as scalability, security, interoperability, and runtime performance. The Babylon integration brings Bitcoin security to Juno by allowing Juno blocks (and the transactions therein) to be time-stamped onto the Bitcoin network.

The Babylon integration also preserves Juno’s sovereignty, fast block speed, and it’s high transactions per second. Un-bonding periods generally last weeks because they serve as a trust period where users can return to the chain and safely re-synchronize to the chain knowing any attacks that may have occurred while they were away will have already been slashed. Using Bitcoin security via Babylon, users only need to wait until the Bitcoin timestamp of the un-bonding request transaction is confirmed on Bitcoin with sufficient depth (e.g., 100 Bitcoin blocks), which only takes about one day.

The Babylon integration removes the need for a long trust period because once you have Bitcoin timestamps, users can easily discern the normal chain from the attack chain, which will have a later Bitcoin timestamp. In addition, Babylon makes timekeeping of the unbonding process reliable by using the BTC block time.

Therefore, what the Babylon integration brings to Juno in terms of stake un-bonding is a secure and reliable un-bonding process, regardless of how long or short Juno desires it to be.

Babylon’s integration offers Juno composable and enhanced security, leveraging Bitcoin timestamping to secure transactions that take place on Juno. With this collaboration, Juno Network is set to become one of the most secure interoperable smart contract networks in existence.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is Founder and Publisher of Cosmos News, a trusted source of local news and information for the Cosmos ecosystem. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.






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