Monday, March 24, 2025

Interchain Reporting

‘IBC Anywhere’ Open Source Offering

Juno “Captain of Development” Reece Williams has put up an open source gem with IBC Anywhere, an app that harnesses Packet Forward Middleware.

IBC Anywhere
Screen grab of IBC Anywhere app on
Reece Williams Juno lead Developer
Reece Williams

“I make things sometimes not because I really want to learn the tech to build it, but because it’s required – this is one of those cases,” Williams said. “As you can tell my UI design skills are that of an eighth grader, but cosmos needs something which works and I can at least provide that.”

IBC Anywhere APP
Williams’ IBC Anywhere app on GitHub is available to the Interchain as open source

Packet Forward Middleware (PFM), developed by Strangelove Ventures, means Cosmos users can now do multiple transfers in one transaction. In the above scenario using Williams’ IBC Anywhere app built on top of PFM, Cosmos News was able to send .1 NETA from Osmosis through Juno to Chihuahua. Sure enough, the .1 NETA arrived in a few seconds on the Chihuahua chain with a quick mintscan check.

The implications of IBC Anywhere using PFM for the future could mean a Cosmos user can send JUNO to Osmosis, swap the JUNO for ATOM, and send it to the Cosmos Hub in a single transaction. Williams is working to support this with CosmWasm smart contracts already.

Another exciting possibility is multi-hops. This technology is already baked into PFM by Strangelove and Williams said all he needs to do is write it in the user interface to make it possible. With multi-hop, a user could send IBC tokens on a train trip around the Cosmos, for instance, Osmosis -> Juno -> Cosmos-Hub -> Noble -> Stargaze would become a single-click-reality.

Williams said his ultimate goal is to shut down the IBC Anywhere app as major Cosmos infrastructure implements it natively, such as Keplr, Tabu, Leap, TFM, etc..

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the Publisher of Cosmos News , a leading digital media platform specializing in cutting-edge reporting on Cosmos-based cryptocurrencies and the broader Cosmos ecosystem. With a steadfast commitment to delivering accurate, timely, and impactful news, Justin has established Cosmos News as a trusted resource for both seasoned crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike.






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