Saturday, February 22, 2025

Interchain Reporting

Cosmos Keen on Keplr 2.0

Keplr Wallets are getting an upgrade according to the open-sourced project, and users will be able to better manage their digital assets with a redesigned interface, enhanced security, and a number of snazzy features.

Keplr Wallet

South Korea based Chainapsis, the company behind the development of Keplr, took to Twitter Wednesday to announce it was rolling out the new wallet –branded Keplr 2.0– gradually over the next couple of days. Worries surrounding load on Keplr’s endpoints appears to be the reason for a phased release.

Keplr Wallet users who were first to “migrate” to 2.0 expressed excitement at the new design and features, with some calling it “next level” and “best UX in DeFi.” Twitter was inundated with a plethora of users praising the new offering from what is widely regarded as the most popular wallet in the Cosmos.

Along with apps for mobile devices, Keplr also maintains a browser-based dashboard where Cosmonauts can send tokens, stake them, vote in governance, and check out their NFTs.

A main selling point of a Cosmos wallet is being able to transfer tokens all over the ecosystem with Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol or IBC. Cosmos’ interoperability is a major advantage over other blockchains and Keplr and other wallet makers take advantage of it.

Keplr is the leader and was first in a fast growing field of wallet makers aiming to attract users with features utilizing Cosmos SDK technology. Keplr has its fair share of competitors in the likes of Cosmostation and Leap Wallet, with a few others trying to make their mark in the Cosmos Ecosystem. It is worth noting that many Interchain users claim to have multiple wallets or all of them.

As an open-source project anyone can contribute to Keplr’s development and improvement, which is what the first users of 2.0 are saying has happened in a major way.

Keplr 2.0 appears to be a significant upgrade over the previous version and features an onboarding experience for new users that Keplr calls “refreshingly interactive.”

Keplr Account created

Keplr transfers

Numerous quality of life improvements have made it into the wallet, such as transferring funds between multiple accounts with a few clicks. In the past, Keplr users would have to switch accounts, copy and paste addresses, then send and receive. The new process is streamlined and will save those who frequently transfer between accounts a good amount of time over the long haul.

Kepler Claim AllWallet owners will also be able to claim all rewards for a chain with a click like Cosmostation users have been able to do for some time.

Keplr 2.0 does away with the toggling between chains Cosmostation users must endure with a nifty search feature.

A few users reacted negatively to the news, with one Twitter user saying “New feature: don’t charge 350k for a chain to be added for full functionality.”

In general the Cosmos is keen on Keplr, as it showcases advancements that can be made in the Internet of Blockchains.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the Publisher of Cosmos News , a leading digital media platform specializing in cutting-edge reporting on Cosmos-based cryptocurrencies and the broader Cosmos ecosystem. With a steadfast commitment to delivering accurate, timely, and impactful news, Justin has established Cosmos News as a trusted resource for both seasoned crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike.






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